Online Workshops Terms + Conditions

  • Welcome to Salisbury Grange—we’re thrilled that you’re here! In order to avoid confusion, please read these terms and conditions carefully. By registering for a Salisbury Grange online workshop or additional Dahlia Club, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

  • Please choose carefully as all online workshop sales are final, and we do not offer any refunds for change of mind on digital products.

  • By purchasing an online workshop, the Participant is granted a single-use license to access, view and use and is granted the right to download, store and print single copies of items within the online workshops. All ownership rights in the intellectual property related to online workshops and Dahlia Club remain with Salisbury Grange and the use or reproduction of any of the content in any manner is not permitted without express written consent. Any passwords and user ID used for online workshops are for the Participant’s individual use only.

  • The material in all Salisbury Grange online workshops and Dahlia Club is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act (Australia). Any use of workshop content, including modification, transmission, presentation, distribution, republication, is not permitted.

  • When the Participant has subscribed to a payment plan for Salisbury Grange online workshops and Dahlia Club they are responsible for any fees, including legal fees, incurred by Salisbury Grange as a result of recouping payments owing under this Agreement.

  • All personal information collected from the Participant for the purpose of providing the Salisbury Grange online workshops and Dahlia Club is protected in accordance with applicable privacy legislation in Australia.

  • Salisbury Grange provides the information contained in online workshops and Dahlia Club to the Participant for informational and educational purposes only.

    The information contained in the online workshops and Dahlia Club, including any interactions with instructors or coaches, and participation in any social media groups or chats, shall not be understood as professional advice.

    The Participant should use their own judgment in applying the information provided to their own personal circumstances.

  • Salisbury Grange is not liable for any losses or damages of any kind related to any websites, course hosting platforms or any other technology used in the delivery of the online workshops being unavailable or unusable.

  • Subject to applicable law, in no event shall Salisbury Grange and its partners, employees, consultants, agents or licensors be liable for damages of any kind including, without limitation, any direct, special, indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential damages including, without limitation, any loss or damages in the nature of or relating to lost business, lost savings, lost data or lost profits arising from your use of, reliance upon, or inability to use the online workshops, regardless of the cause.

  • The expertise offered through Salisbury Grange online workshops is the result of years of hard work and we must take certain steps to protect our proprietary information.

    You agree that the online workshops and Dahlia Club, as well as all content, videos, training materials, images and other materials, made available on the website are the property of Salisbury Grange.

    If you send comments or suggestions to us, including, but not limited to, notes, text, drawings, images, designs, such submissions shall become, and shall remain, the sole property of Salisbury Grange.

    Salisbury Grange shall exclusively own all rights to (including intellectual property rights thereto), and shall be entitled to unrestricted use, publication, and dissemination as to all such submissions for any purpose, commercial or otherwise without any acknowledgment or compensation to you.

  • While Salisbury Grange uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information in the online workshops, Dahlia Club and on the Salisbury Grange website, we make no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Salisbury Grange assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the workshop content or on the website.

  • This is the entire agreement between the Participant of Salisbury Grange online workshops and Salisbury Grange relating to your access and use of the online workshops and Dahlia Club.