What To Grow Now In Sydney, By The Seasons

Banjo sampling my autumn veggie haul

I recently moved out of my inner city cottage and when I looked back at some photos I was going to use for a reel on Instagram, I realised I had inadvertently captured what to grow in Sydney, season by season! When I first started growing veggies in my own garden I had some idea of what to plant when, but the rest I only confirmed by experimenting for a few seasons and seeing what worked.

There are a million options of what you can grow, especially if you are growing from seed (I almost always do), but here are a few things I grow each time now. My biggest tip is to grow what you eat the most and prioritise lots of that!

A few of the different veggies that I grew (above)

What To Grow Now In Sydney | By The Seasons

Autumn (March/April): Carrots, Celery, Onion, Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, Fennel, Tomatoes, Silverbeet, Coriander, Brussel Sprouts, Garlic. Flowers: Sweet peas, sunflowers, bells of Ireland, poppies.

Winter: I plant another round of the vegetables above.

Spring (August/September): Lettuce, Tatsoi, Basil, Rocket, Capsicum, Cucumber, Zucchini, Pumpkin, Corn, Ginger. Flowers: Cosmos, zinnia, dahlias, sunflowers, echinacea.

Summer: I plant another round of the vegetables above, but before summer weather hits (e.g. in October or November).

Wondering what to grow now in Sydney? Leafy greens like lettuce and spinach always work well!

Looking for more info? Check out my take on 4 Inspiring Veggie Gardens In Australia or check out my new Dahlia Growing Guide I wrote after 7 years of growing them!


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